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Rambler's Top100
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Unknown songs

1. Відпусти played: 223
2. Vidpusti played: 97
4. Я так хочу played: 56
5. Відчуваю played: 56
6. Вище неба played: 50
7. Не питай played: 49
8. Я так хочу... played: 49
10. Сонце сідає played: 39
11. Друг (ч.2) played: 39
13. Фіалки played: 36
14. Майже весна played: 36
15. Кішка played: 35
16. Коко Шанель played: 31
20. Королева played: 24
21. Мало мені played: 24
22. Без бою played: 22
26. Холодно played: 21
27. Сюзі played: 20
28. Кава чай played: 20
30. Я iду до дому played: 19
31. 18 хвилин played: 19
32. Не Питай played: 19
33. Сонце сiдаэ played: 19
34. Gloria played: 19
36. Ти і я played: 18
37. Ти i я played: 18
38. Пташка played: 18
40. Вільний played: 18
41. 911 played: 17
42. Ніколи played: 17
43. Компас played: 17
44. Ордени played: 17
45. Онлайн played: 17
46. Міра played: 16
48. Леді played: 16
49. Квитка played: 16
50. З тобою played: 16
52. Віддам played: 16
53. Янанебібув played: 15
54. Не питай мене played: 15
55. Без Бою played: 15
57. Голос твій played: 15
59. Нiколи played: 15
60. Мене played: 14
62. Susy played: 14
63. Друг played: 13
64. Друг ч.2. played: 12
68. Етюд played: 10
72. Вiддам played: 10
73. Холодно (REMIX) played: 10
74. Streljaj played: 10
76. Веселi Часи played: 10
78. Кавачай played: 9
79. Годі вже played: 9
86. Zeleni Ochi played: 8
88. Isn't It Son played: 7
89. Ne mozhu bez tebe played: 7
90. Веселі часи played: 7
91. Для тебе played: 7
92. Квітка played: 7
94. Як Довго played: 7
97. Bez Boyu (4:10) [2142] played: 6
98. Tin' tvogo tila played: 6
99. "Gloria"\"Gloria" played: 6
100. Moya Mala played: 6
101. Лелеки played: 6
103. Зелені Очі played: 6
106. Ночі і Дні played: 5
108. GLORIA played: 5
109. Ledi played: 5
110. День у День played: 5
113. Перша пісня played: 5
114. Ти собі сама played: 5
120. Сьогодні played: 5
121. Я до тебе played: 4
122. Koli Tobi Vazhko played: 4
128. List do mami played: 4
132. Моя Мала played: 4
133. Hochu napitis' toboyu played: 4
134. Vidpusti (3:50) [3562] played: 4
135. Ikoni ne plachut' played: 4
136. Вулиця played: 4
138. "Ти і я"\"Gloria" played: 4
139. Leleki played: 4
141. Yak Dovgo played: 4
142. 991 played: 4
143. Taka, jak ti played: 4
144. Rendez played: 4
145. Isn't It сон played: 4
146. Друг(rmx) played: 4
148. Годі Вже played: 4
149. Track08 played: 3
150. Kavachay played: 3
151. День У День played: 3
152. Track10 played: 3
153. До тебе played: 3
154. Leleki (4:04) [6358] played: 3
155. Друг (ч.1) played: 3
156. Track11 played: 3
157. Track12 played: 3
158. Ще один день played: 3
159. Дякую played: 3
164. Сосни played: 3
165. 01 Перша Пісня played: 3
167. "Без бою"\"Gloria" played: 3
168. Track01 played: 3
169. Track02 played: 3
170. Den' u den' played: 3
171. Више неба played: 3
172. Gloria (3:26) [6348] played: 3
173. Golos tvij played: 3
174. Track03 played: 3
176. Track04 played: 3
177. Track05 played: 3
179. Track06 played: 3
180. Track07 played: 3
181. Nevidimaya simya played: 3
183. Track09 played: 3
184. Вiдпусти played: 2
187. Ti sobi sama played: 2
188. Vesna (4:11) [6377] played: 2
189. Viddam (3:58) [6378] played: 2
190. Viddam (3:58) [6378] {S} played: 2
191. Sosny played: 2
193. Африка played: 2
194. Ptashka (2:43) [6368] played: 2
195. Без бою (live) played: 2
196. Pozich meni sontse played: 2
197. Nochi i dni played: 2
204. Malo meni played: 2
206. Друг Ч2 played: 2
208. 03 Вище неба played: 2
209. Kishka played: 2
210. 02 Ти і я played: 2
212. Надя played: 2
214. Gloria (3:26) [6348] {S} played: 2
215. Dolce Vita played: 2
216. Новий день played: 2
217. Новий День played: 2
223. Сосны played: 2
224. Afrika (4:22) [6345] played: 2
225. Фиалки played: 2
226. Я Iду Додому played: 2
227. 05 Ніколи played: 2
228. Я на небі був played: 2
229. 04 Сонце сідає played: 2
231. Голос Твій played: 1
232. Ледi played: 1
234. Голос твiй played: 1
236. Vesna played: 1
237. Вічуваю played: 1
238. Вісім played: 1
241. Этюд played: 1
242. Golos tvij (3:53) [6349] played: 1
243. 07 Без бою played: 1
248. Obijmi played: 1
250. OEXI played: 1
251. Persha pisnya played: 1
252. Я На Небі Був played: 1
253. Fialki played: 1
254. Toj den' (3:58) [6376] played: 1
255. Я їду додому played: 1
256. Я Їду Додому played: 1
261. Вiльнний played: 1
266. Вiльнi played: 1
269. Ptashka played: 1
270. Бо-Бо played: 1
274. Sosny (4:27) [6369] played: 1
276. Поясни played: 1
277. Bez Boyu (4:14) [6346] played: 1
279. Янанебiбув played: 1
281. Але для тебе played: 1
283. Susy (4:00) [6371] played: 1
284. Сумна мелодiя played: 1
286. Сьогоднi played: 1
290. Така, як ти played: 1
291. Yak Dovgo (3:02) [6384] played: 1
295. Ya do tebe (4:47) [6383] played: 1
298. 12 Не питай played: 1
300. Ти не питай played: 1
301. Vstavaj (2:54) [6381] played: 1
304. Той День played: 1
305. Sosny (4:27) [6369] {S} played: 1
306. Viddam played: 1
311. Long Time Ago played: 1
318. Квiтка played: 1
319. Malo meni (5:03) [6360] played: 1
320. 09 Відчуваю played: 1
321. Kishka (3:51) [6355] played: 1
322. 08 GLORIA played: 1
324. Колиска вiтру played: 1
331. Isn't it сон played: 1
Who listen this artist:
Сильва played 1097 times
Велга Open user info Open user photogallery played 532 times
Aster Open user info Open user photogallery played 248 times
Дюри-бачи Open user info Open user photogallery played 248 times
Mr-Deadly Open user info played 229 times
Blumella Open user info Open user photogallery played 153 times
forevochka Open user info Open user photogallery played 116 times
nimda Open user info Open user photogallery played 113 times
Люциферчик Open user info Open user photogallery played 90 times
Куруфин Open user info played 73 times
High Hopes Open user info played 67 times
Equilimbrium Open user info played 57 times
Wellness Open user info Open user photogallery played 51 times
Dies Irae played 50 times
TolStoSym Open user info Open user photogallery played 50 times
Lost in Life Open user info Open user photogallery played 45 times
Ex*Virusoff Open user info Open user photogallery played 43 times
Клим Ворошилов Open user info Open user photogallery played 40 times
Гюльшан Тигрь Open user info Open user photogallery played 38 times
Aruna Open user info played 38 times

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