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updated 22.08.10 20:22
22-08-10 @ 20:13

Весналето Open user info Open user photogallery
Russel Simins _ Comfortable Place

Gotta girl, so fine -
Loves me all the time
Pull her hair, slap her face
But it's alright…
She just wants… to be disgraced.

And you say "it should be better then if…"
I don’t think so.
The temptation…
You just can't resist,
So it goes…
Call it heaven, call it a day
You think it's wrong
Oh…. No, it’s such a comfortable place

Oh no, not again…
Bruise the pills,
Getting off, whether you can,
But it's alright…
As long as it kills the pain

And you say "it should be better then if…"
I don’t think so.
The temptation…
You just can't resist,
So it goes…

Call it heaven, call it a day
You think it's wrong
Oh… No, it’s such a comfortable place

Gotta girl, so fine -
Loves me all the time
Pull her hair, slap her face
But it's alright…
We just want… to be the preys

And you say "it should be better then if…"
I don’t think so.
The temptation…
You just can't resist,
So it goes…

Call it heaven, call it a day
You think it's wrong
Oh no… You think it's wrong
Oh… No, it’s such a comfortable place

Mood: thoughtful 
Music: Russel Simins _ Comfortable Place

Я думаю, что это: Scrolls.multiLike:)

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Shushera Open user info Open user photogallery
22-08-10 @ 20:25
Re: Russel Simins _ Comfortable Place
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спасибо, спасибо, порадовали, искала давно %)))))
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Весналето Open user info Open user photogallery
22-08-10 @ 20:39
Re: Re: Russel Simins _ Comfortable Place
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не за что)сама сижу слушаю 10-й раз)
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