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02.12.09 18:39   |  MAUGLY Open user info Open user photogallery |   Зима наступила? (;  ru
 Может, цветочки в скроллах пора поменять на снежки? Замерзнут же эти розовенькие.
А с виртуальным снегом, глядишь, и предвкушение праздника появится. Хотя бы виртуального (;

Mood: (;
tags: НГ, БК, флуд
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02.12.09 12:49   |  Мирра Open user info Open user photogallery |     ru
 Недовольна собой...


но с каждым днем, недовольство растет все больше и больше.

при чем именно собой, а не окружающим миром

вот такой вот парадокс))

Mood: задумчивое 
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02.12.09 11:20   |  Litera Open info : Denkend Open user info Open user photogallery |   Матросский бушлат  ru
 Топик, в котором можно задать вопросы по предстоящему конкурсу (;
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updated 01.12.09 16:12
01.12.09 16:11   |  MAUGLY Open user info Open user photogallery |   Летайте самолетами и сами по себе (с)
 После полета в Брюссель и вот сейчас, планируя, как буду добираться из Москвы в Питер, задумалась о том, что перелеты скоро будут дешевле автостопов (((;
И это радует! (;

Mood: (;
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updated 05.12.09 23:07
01.12.09 16:09   |  next_one Open user info Open user photogallery |   Про БТФ
 Обсуждение закрыто

Самое печальное, что мне это как-то пофиг..

Update:   Rand [12] (05.12.09 19:55): Открыт.

Mood: нейтральное 
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30.11.09 20:33   |  Куруфин Open user info |   the cake is a lie  ru

Вспомнилось. :) Песня поверженного искусственного интеллекта GLaDOS из игры Portal. :)
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updated 01.12.09 13:12
30.11.09 17:17   |  MAUGLY Open user info Open user photogallery |   Из ливерпульской гавани всегда по четвергам...
 Хочу туда!

Mood: Лягушачье (;
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29.11.09 12:09   |  Модификатор Open user info Open user photogallery |   Нео против Смитов  ru

Каты, 2-й этаж
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updated 29.11.09 19:29
29.11.09 11:38   |  Модификатор Open user info Open user photogallery |   Гвардейцы
 Когда-либо бывшие.

Светлая гвардия:
Юрьевна [8], [pers]Дим Деев[/pers](character not found), jasa [9], The_Jove, Di Abolo [6], Гуфа [], Кето [6],  MAXXX [9], Саттва [8], Яля [], Ales [6].

Тёмная гвардия:
 Троянский_Конь [11], Vritra [],   Rand [12],   Медведь [12], mixter, Абу Хашиш [],  Рулен Багдасыс [8].

Нейтральные мастера:
  Михаил АП [12],   Waterfall [12],   Император [12],  big teran [12], Ворлок [].

Мог кого-то упустить.
Comments: 34 | Post comment
29.11.09 10:08   |  Wilda Open user info Open user photogallery |   Garcia Marquez. Farewell to His Friends  ru
 If for a moment God would forget
that I am a rag doll and give me a
scrap of life, possibly I would not
say everything that I think, but I
would definitely think everything that
I say.

I would value things not for how
much they are worth but rather for
what they mean.

I would sleep little, dream more. I
know that for each minute that we
close our eyes we lose sixty seconds
of light.

I would walk when the others loiter; I
would awaken when the others sleep.

I would listen when the others speak,
and how I would enjoy a good
chocolate ice cream.

If God would bestow on me a scrap of
life, I would dress simply, I would
throw myself flat under the sun,
exposing not only my body but also
my soul.

My God, if I had a heart, I would
write my hatred on ice and wait for
the sun to come out. With a dream of
Van Gogh I would paint on the stars
a poem by Benedetti, and a song by
Serrat would be my serenade to the

With my tears I would water the
roses, to feel the pain of their thorns
and the incarnated kiss of their
petals...My God, if I only had a scrap
of life...

I wouldn't let a single day go by
without saying to people I love, that
I love them.

I would convince each woman or man
that they are my favourites and I
would live in love with love.

I would prove to the men how
mistaken they are in thinking that
they no longer fall in love when they
grow old--not knowing that they grow
old when they stop falling in love. To
a child I would give wings, but I
would let him learn how to fly by
himself. To the old I would teach that
death comes not with old age but
with forgetting. I have learned so
much from you men....

I have learned that everybody wants
to live at the top of the mountain
without realizing that true happiness
lies in the way we climb the slope.

I have learned that when a newborn
first squeezes his father's finger in
his tiny fist, he has caught him

I have learned that a man only has
the right to look down on another
man when it is to help him to stand
up. I have learned so many things
from you, but in the end most of it
will be no use because when they put
me inside that suitcase,
unfortunately I will be dying.
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