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People surprise me! Be active and don't hide your talents. I know, everyone has a secret talent, reveal them and let others be proud with you too. There are so many people in NC, I know you you have something to show or tell others!
Mood: working
Music: Green Day - Know your Enemy
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Fight Club, New Capital City I will tell you what it means to me, For it would be a catastrophe to deprive thee Of this apostrophe
This is our escape from reality Where you are you, and I am me For this is our sanctity And even acronymically It is written as the N. C. C. Together we make this game much more enjoyably Whether it is for he or she or Penny When we all play in harmony
One day the angles will see That they need to take the N. C. C. much more seriously Then they previously Conceived, because no matter if you fight for light, dark, or neutrality The outcome is the same for we all love New Capital City.
He is known as a vamp in the night And does not care much for wrong or right For it is up to him Who he is to bite, and decides on a whim.
People describe him as Proud, Dangerous But levels 1, 2 and 3 forget that he is one of us As they demand and shout To know what the biting is all about.
BISKOT. One ‘nasty kid’ To me he is the one to forbid Everything associated with light And never go down without a fight The Dark Knight.
One may ask, ‘Pennzoil, who is he’?? But a veteran said he is one who plays expertly While logged in to FC And that he has always played his part In New Cap from the very start
Whether it be TOoB or Killua or GODS or Paladin, He always seems to help from within. To friends he is an ‘Ass Face’ or a ‘Bother’ And to others he is a Husband and Father.
No matter if you think he is omnipotent Or 100 percent ignorant, Everyone would agree That it is HE That we all wish to see And converse with regularly.
This is the bot Who has not Ever fought With us, For he must Not play our game Due to his name Apocalipsys_bot.
He is always away Key command forward slash afk And is always here Reminding players updates near, But we still jest and jeer Apocalipsys_bot.
With him, player online is plus one, And we know he has not yet begun His role in our city And for that we plea For advancements in FC Apocalipsys_bot.
Where do I start with combat? Should it be that We all know how he is so worldly Both physically and conceptually Living all over in Thailand, Armenia, Dubai Oh my!
He also is able to create from scratch By opening that hatch In his head, and show how far He can go with his guitar. In addition to being a friend To everyone, his helpfulness is used to mend Things that one may not comprehend And it is he who brings us news Or anything we choose And never is one to refuse.
Let me introduce my friend MCDOOM And how he spends his time in the Men’s Room Wondering, ‘How the hell did I get here?’ His friends cheer, ‘Dude, it is quite clear, You drank too much beer!’
He is a strong vampire who can bite Any player under the cover of night And it shows his might Before his next fight
Kicking ass, and taking names Leaving his foes in flames By sending a multitude of blasts That of which are ferocious and fast Into all of his opponents To be the key component For his team, and can guarantee VICTORY!
Last Kid, a paladin everyone can respect And all expect That he will protect Our city and reject Any object That is not correct And that could possibly affect The integrity Of our beloved city For it is he And his paladin committee That we all trust To watch over all of us Last Kid is a man so funny, so robust In FC he is a must!